Water from the grave
Before I started writing my next post on community projects, a very recent BBC news article struck me with the headline: 'Zimbabwe community gets water from a cemetery'. Immediately drawn to this news story, I kindly request your short attention to the following snippets covering the current situation among the residents in Hopley, Zimbabwe. The community of Hopley's experience tells the complex story of the multidimensional factors involved in Zimbabwe's water crisis. From drying bore holes to failed piped water installations for a decade, Hopley suffers mainly along the physical, but also increasingly human interface, similar to Tanzania's case described earlier. Unfortunately, as the residents continuously seek out to wells on decomposing cemetery sites as a result, the future looks unpromising. Rainfall in the region is not only projected to reduce further by almost 20% , but the rather brief account of plans for community pipelines underway don't seem t...